Gutekunst 拥有多种多样的弹簧,并且弹簧技术精度非常高。这家来自普法尔茨格拉芬韦勒的公司开发和生产由所有扁钢和圆钢制成的异形弹簧、扁形弹簧、板簧、冲压件和冲压折弯件、激光零件、金属丝弯曲部件和矩形弹簧。
Gutekunst 可根据需求随意进行个性化定制和设计形状——无论是极少的件数还是大规模批量,均可满足客户需求。通常,为完美满足严苛的要求,需要投入大量的创意。
Gutekunst Formfedern GmbH 于 1990 年脱离总部位于麦琴根的母公司 Gutekunst + Co. KG,从此作为独立公司运营,总部位于普法尔茨格拉芬韦勒。自此之后,Gutekunst 在此地书写了我们自己的成功史,为来自全球的客户提供优质的服务。
从开发部门到生产部门,Gutekunst 总计约 120 名员工为来自多种行业的客户贡献着热情:尤其是汽车制造、机械工程、飞机制造、精密机械、医疗技术和电气工程等行业。
Gutekunst 堪称所有由条带材料制成的弹簧和金属丝弯曲部件以及矩形弹簧领域内领先的智囊团和生产商。Gutekunst 已经第十一次(截止至 2017 年)荣膺“最佳创新者”称号。
在外形方面,Gutekunst 的想象力可以说不受任何限制——从最多可达五层的复杂形状,到具备多功能性能的外形样式,可以说是应有尽有。没有什么是Gutekunst 做不到的。您的特定要求、CAD-数据、图纸或者模型,为我们奠定了一个良好的基础,Gutekunst 以此为起点,让灵感源源不断地涌现。经过近三十年的弹簧研发工作,Gutekunst 获得的成果是:在弹簧形状方面无与伦比的多样性。来尽情体验 Gutekunst 的弹簧世界吧 ...
Gutekunst 的弹簧产品品种丰富、特点鲜明,这在Gutekunst 的生产中也能反映出来。凭借Gutekunst 先进以及全面的设备、还有Gutekunst 自己设计的模具,我们可以保证产品样品、小批量以及系列产品合理、快速的生产。从 2 件到 50 万件弹簧,都可以提供。
如果您希望为您的客户提供最佳的产品质量和精度,您必须始终保持专业的能力,才能通过精妙的测试流程确保材料不变形。Gutekunst 通过统一的质量保证流程,始终确保对各个生产步骤进行统一监控。
采用最先进的机械测试设备、光学测试设备和电子测试设备,Gutekunst 得以始终确保产品品质完美无暇、始终如一,让所有产品精确满足客户各方各面的要求。
Gutekunst 质量保证环节包括对原材料进行全面的入厂检验。因为原材料对产品质量具有重大影响。
在执行的生产过程中,Gutekunst 根据精确制定的检验计划将零件从生产线中取出,在独立的检验室内由工作人员亲自采用优质检验设备检验零件的品质和是否精确符合规范要求。
此外,Gutekunst 还根据客户要求,针对每种用途创建 CAD 负载模拟。因此Gutekunst 能预估可能存在的缺点并可靠地予以消除。
在商品出厂前,Gutekunst 会取出额外的样品进行检验,以确保不会有不符合规范要求的产品进入我们的成品仓库或送到客户手中。您可要求向您发送所有检验记录和过程能力试验报告。
不断培训和努力改进,再加上认证过程,确保Gutekunst 提供的质量水平不仅在供应商评估方面获得好评,也在客户满意度方面获得积极反馈。
Welcome to the realm of ideas
Gutekunst is renowned for its exceptional range of springs and outstanding precision in spring technology. Based in the German town of Pfalzgrafenweiler, the company develops and manufactures shaped springs, flat springs, leaf springs, punched and bent parts, laser parts, wire bending parts and box springs from all flat and round steel bars.
There is no limit to their individuality and design – we reliably produce anything from the smallest quantities to large volumes, all to our clients' specifications. And every order takes a wealth of ideas to find the best solution to meet even the most intricate of requirements.
The leading think tank for state-of-the-art shaped springs.
In 1990, Gutekunst Formfedern GmbH was formed as a spin-off from its parent company Gutekunst + Co. KG of Metzingen, and since then has operated as an independent company based in Pfalzgrafenweiler. Since then, we have been writing our very own success story and impressing customers from all over the world.
Around 120 employees – from development to production – pull out all the stops for customers across a range of industries, with a focus in particular on automotive manufacturing, mechanical engineering, aircraft construction, precision engineering, medicine and electrical engineering.
Gutekunst is the leading think tank and manufacturer of choice for all springs made from strip material as well as wire bending parts and box springs. By 2018, we had received the 'Top Innovator' award no fewer than 12 times.
Discover for yourself what sets Gutekunst apart – and makes us so exceptional.
Set us a challenge!
When it comes to individuality and design, the possibilities are endless – from complex shapes that are manufactured on up to five levels to shapes with multi-purpose characteristics. Anything is possible. Your requirements, CAD data, drawings or models provide us with a good basis to apply our innovation and achieve optimal shapes – developmental edge included. The result after almost three decades of spring technology: a unique variety of shapes. Immerse yourself in the world of Gutekunst ...
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